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Publication of the following books:


  • " Social Protection of Children”  magazine

The magazine suggests its readers a thematic examination of the institution called FAMILY.
According to a logic based on theoretical and methodological analyses of great rigour but also on pertinent empirical research,

the family and the child are two realities placed in some problematic context: their confrontation with their own vulnerable points and

risks, occupational therapies, adoption, medical behaviour, managerial devices, temporary crises, case studies, etc.
     The publication contains such topics as:
- "Scientific arguments in the logic of discourse on the theme", "The child and the family environment" (I. Neacsu), 
- "The personality of the institutionalised child", "Types of behaviour with negative influence in the family and social environment"

(M. Suditu).
- "The relationship Institutionalised Child - Family" (C. Rosca)
- "The social integrated protection of monoparental families and underage orphans" (F. Moceanu, C. Borzan, N. Miu)
- "School Failure - A psycho pedagogical perspective" (S. Costandache)
- "Managerial concepts in the modern social work with young people" (S. Schemenau)
- "Family crises in the Romanian Educational System and FICE contribution to the solving of such problems" (T. Mares)
- "The relationship Child-Parent-Professional in the Occupational Therapy" (M. Popa)
- "Resilience in the Post-criminal Period (III). The Differentiation of the measures of social protection for children and young people- case analyses" (C. Dragoi)
- "Difficulties in the relationship family- pupil- school, an empirical study on school stress" (G. Dumitrascu)
- "Strategies for assisting potential foster parents" (A. Gheorghica)
- "Causes, effects and modalities of prevention of school abandon" (C. Rosca)
- "The attitude of the physician and of the family towards the weak adolescent" (N. Margescu, N. Miu)
- "Family and school abandon - the challenges of a social reality" (T. Mares, M. Nica)

- "Being a parent, help means to help yourself" (V. Tropotei)

The volume, documentary and synthesis "The Child and His Rights. Experiences. Actions. Perspectives" has come out.

It represents the materialization of a selection of speeches and studies registered by FICE Romania within the scientific programmed

organized by the European seminar "The Rights of Children and Young People - A Social Issue on the Agenda of the NGOs",

Bucharest, September 2000.

     The book was published by the "Semne" Publishing House and it adopts a multiple perspective approach; it also creates balance

between facts, statistics and alternative solutions and it integrates and is open to experiments.
     The texts belong to authors famous in the field, both Romanian and foreign.
     This is the order in which the articles appear in the book:
- "The child in the Romanian society in transition. Challenges, actions, perspectives" (I. Neacsu)
- "Vocational counseling for the assisted young people in settlement centers" (A. Iovescu, P. Iovescu)
- "Participation as method and involvement" (R. Pontela, Finland)
- "The experience of an Ombudsman - examples of international cooperation" (Ch. Trifaux, Belgium)
- "The child's rights in Israel" (L. M. Berkovich, Israel)
- "Family entrusting - a viable alternative. Reflections and arguments" (I. Neacsu, M. Suditu)
- "More professionalism through normalization and despecialisation in the institutions that help young people" (G. Schemenau, Germany)
- "Instruments of evaluation and evaluating synthesis of the International Seminar "The Rights of Children and Young People" -

 a social issue on the agenda of the NGOs" (I. Neacsu, M. Nica)

-"10 Years for the defense of the young people in need" (T. Mares, I. Neacsu)

A team made of I. Neacsu, Rodica Mares and C. Harabor ensures the coordination of the book.


  • The education of the difficult child;

  • The UNO convention on the rights of institutionalized children;

  • An educator's guide;

  • The preventive education of the institutionalized child;

  • The evolution of child rights;

  • Education for child rights;

  • The youths and their social and professional integration;

  • The relationship educator -child-parent at work in education. Risk and social issues;

  • Quarterly publication of the social assistance and social pedagogy newsletter "Social Protection for the Child".

  • The family and the integrated social protection;

  • Education for health;

  • The role of the NGO's in child social protection.

  • Volunteer’s Guide

  • “Copilul şi violenţa – Children and Violence”

  • The family and the integrated social protection;

  • Education for health;

  • The role of the NGO's in child social protection.

  • " Equal opportunities in education, personal development and social integration"-Toma Mares;Sorin Ivan- University Publishing House, 2014

  • 15 Years of Friendship and Cooperation Romania-Israel,-coordinators-Toma  Mares;Ionel Armeanu-Stefanica;Emmanuel           Grupper ;Lia Meron ;University Publishing House, 2013;

  •  Stress at childhood – Synthesis of the debate organized by FICE România on 27 September 2012

  • Tineret şi integrare socioprofesională, Youth and socio-professional integration-coord. Ioan Neacşu, Toma Mareş, Editura Semne, Bucureşti, 1999,

  • Social Protection of the Child - streetchildren- FICE România Ed. SEMNE 94 1999

  • The pedagogie of leisure in risk-behavior - FICE România Ed. SEMNE 94 2004

  • The school orientation and counseling- FICE România Ed. Semne.94 2005

  • Education for health -FICE România Ed. Semne.94 2002 


  •  Evolution and defending children's rights in difficulty-,Mares,Toma, Coord., Edited by FICE-Romania, Bucharest, 1998

  • Youth and social-professional integration (youth unemployment. Opportunities for socio-professional integration of young people raised in an orphanage),-Neacsu,Ioan;Toma, Mares,Coord.,  Signs Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999;

  • FICE Romania, 15 years for children's rights - vocation, project, action, "House" Signs ", Bucharest, 2005

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