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Bucharest, Parliament Palace, November 16, 2017

Synthesis of the event

FICE Romania, remaining faithful, in all 27 years of activity, to the goal nobility for which it was founded, namely protection and promotion the rights of the child, gives a special interest to professional meetings and exchange of best practice among specialists working in the fields education, health, social assistance, considering such activities encourages the development of the child protection system and leads to developing appropriate services tailored to the needs of the beneficiaries

social services.

FICE Romania has, also this year, carried out a comprehensive program of involvement our country in the International Campaign "19 days of activism for prevention of violence against children and young people ", initiated in 2000 by the Women's World Summit Foundation (Geneva) and organized annually between November 1 and 19. At national level, participation in the edition

The 2017 campaign peaked at the national conference with the theme "Prevention of Child Abuse and Violence - Public Policy responsible for the protection and promotion of children's rights ",held at the Parliament Palace on November 16, under the patronage of the Committee on European Affairs of the Romanian Senate and in in partnership with the National Authority for the Protection of Child's Rights

and Adoption, the Association of Directors of DGASPCs (AD-DGASPC) and Association of Communes of Romania. It was the first time you convened by an organization non-governmental organizations, mayors and representatives of central public authorities and local people came to the representatives of the school, of the system social protection of the child and civil society to say what namely, to reduce the area of ​​responsibility for violence on the children.

They were represented by mayors, local councils, school inspectorates, directorates general social assistance and child protection, educational establishments universities, exponents of church, police, doctors, etc.

The conference was a good opportunity to bring together specialists from all over the country (Bucharest, Constanta, Vaslui, Calarasi, Arges, Neamt, Giurgiu, Timis, Arad, Bacau, Ialomita, Iasi, Ilfov, Dambovita, Suceava, Alba) but and from abroad (Germany and Austria).

Representatives of the Senate of Romania, as well National Authority for the Protection of Child's Rights and Adoption, a media. FICE Romania has encouraged the close involvement of specialists as well as a decision makers to create an effective learning environment in safe for children, without violence, promoting a culture of peace and tolerance, to support the relevant institutions in their activities preventing violence, conducting actions to lead to stopping abuse, exploitation, trafficking in human beings, all forms of violence against children and also to improve the framework legislative, harmonizing normative acts in the interest of child protection and of the celebrity intervention in solving the cases of children in risk situations.

On the agenda of the professional event, there were subjects such as:

  • The reality of pupils in Romania (Petru Apostoaia, student – college National "Petru Rareş" Piatra Neamţ, Vice-president of the Council National Students);

  • Violence against children in Romania between the obligation to notify and tolerance of abuse (Adina Codres, senior counselor, Authority National Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption);

  • Violence in public and educational space. The amplified appeal of to the judging judges (Professor Ioan Neacsu,Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Bucharest);

  •  Abuse and violence from the perspective of the enclave theory (Călin Dragoi,expert, Germany);

  • Local identification of the situations that might be generated violence against the child. Good Practices (Mariana Gâju, Mayor, Cumpăna commune, Constanţa county);

  • - Responsibility of local decision-makers in preventing and reducing family abuses (Temistocle Diaconu, mayor,Pădureni commune, Vaslui County);

  •  Rights of the child, between legitimacy and reality. Obstacles in the fight against child abuse and violence (Luisa Avram, Social Assistant, Balkan Town Hall, Bacau County);

  • Practice and results in implementing the provisions of GD.691 / 2015 to reduce the vulnerability of children to violence (Emilia Milutinovici, General Manager, DGASPC Timiş);

  • - Inter-institutional collaboration, between deafness and reality. Barriers and opportunities (Dr. Eugen Simion, Head of Service, DGASPC Neamţ);

  •  Prevention and early detection of child abuse.

Role of family medicine - strengths and weaknesses (Dr. Ileana AncaEfrim, primary medicine physician, psychotherapist and dr. Irina Angela Radu, family medicine specialist, doctor of UMF "Carol Davila" - National Family Medicine Society )

 Bullying in the schools in Bucharest (Ileana Bogatiniu, Liliana Roşţu, Graţiela Vaduva, General Directorate of Police of the Municipality of Bucharest, Crime Prevention and Analysis Service)

 Inter-institutional inter-institutional network for prevention of abuse in the field of child rights protection (dr. Cecilia Ignat, Vocational Training Center of DGASPC Iaşi)

 Violence between tradition and present (Diana Roiu, psychologist, DGASPCVaslui)

 Importance of psychological evaluation in situations of abuse / neglect / relapse in the child with autistic spectrum disorder (NarcisConstantin Sima , principal clinical psychologist and Mihai - AlexandruPârvu, DGASPC Argeş)

 The issue of minor mothers (Roxana Miron Feraru, Deputy Mayor, Barlad City Hall)  Parent education programs to prevent child abuse - example of good practice (assist. univ. PhD. ArnautuMariana, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest)

 Integrated package of social services for the victim of domestic violence in the 5th Bucharest local community (FlorentinaPopescu, Elena-Irina Dumitru, DGASPC Sector 5)

 The violence phenomenon in the Bucharest School Inspectorate), 203 - Measures to Prevent Violence in School (Georgeta Matei, Kindergarten No 268 Bucharest), - Early Marriage - Traditional Practice Harmful to the Harmonious Development of the Child (Elena Ulmeanu, Psychologist , DGASPCCCarrows)

 Education continues in the context of preventing and combating violence (Prof. Daniela Badescu, Institutional Management Inspector, ISMB, Prof. Daniela Brotac, Director, Kindergarten Zâna Florilor, Bucharest)

 Emergency Center for Victims of Domestic Violence (EsmeraldaBigu, DGASPC Vaslui) well-documented and elaborated with professionalism, attracted the attention of the participants, who listened with interest to the information regarding the new theories in the social field, the researches on the phenomenon of violence and abuse on children and youth, legislative, medical and educational aspects, the psychological perspective of the deviance phenomenon. The works will be read in the volume dedicated to the conference. Theoreticians and practitioners from different fields of activity (academics, teachers, researchers, senators, mayors, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, directors of the general directorates of social assistance and child protection from different counties of the country, psychologists, sociologists, journalists, doctors, police officers, etc.) have signaled that Romania would need: - Legislative changes - Improving interventions in favor of children, giving up laborerry and filling in certain forms in the context of non-existence sufficient specialists to be able to draw up the necessary documentation in accordance with the legal provisions - to supplement the posts for the specialists who are active both in the prevention and in the intervention - to pay special attention to the actual activities of the beneficiaries - to develop prevention services in local communities, at the level of public social assistance services and the activation of consultative community councils; - real collaboration between systems (public authorities - police - church - school - medical offices - dgaspc);

- the development of native models, not the takeover of the which do not fit the Romanian specificity;

- strengthening the relevant institutions to prevent violence; and child abuse;

- sanctioning any form of violence against the child;

- emphasizing the need to make parents more accountable for child care, protection and education.

The conference proposed a series of measures for various institutions / organizations with the aim of accelerating stops violence against children.

Bucharest, May 4, 2017, Parliament Palace, "Avram Iancu" Hall

Seminar with international participation

"Strategic and Operative Management in the Social Protection of the Child. Monitoring, Assessment,  EffSynthesis of the event





Between 27 october and 3 november 2016, a group of 25 members of FICE Romania (specialists in child protection, prevention of drug abuse among children and young people, representatives of public administration at local and county level, journalists) conducted a study and documentation visit in Israel, at the invitation of FICE Israel.

  • Objectives of the study visit

  • Objectives of the study visit conducted in Israel were the following:

  • Creating a learning experience and transfer of know-how, in order to see and compare models of social support and intervention in the field of regenerative services provided children and youth at risk, training, recognition and certification of skills. 

  • Analysis of issues related to the creation and operation of collaboration networks with specialists in social practice in Israel in order to improve their professional activities and get to know other models of social support.

  • In the meanings specified the study visit was a useful opportunity for transferring best practices from Israelis partners, knowing the organization and functioning of institutions and services for children and young people in Israel, examples of best practice, etc.

  • Analysis of specific areas of social intervention, such as:

  • Integrated management of training services, active measures and social inclusion;

  • Integrated Management (through a mix of services) of passive policies with active policies to support individuals / groups at risk of abuse, neglect, social exclusion

  • Analysis of specific ways of further collaboration of more than 18 years with FICE Israel in identifying solutions to support certain categories of target groups:

    • children at risk of abuse / neglect;

    • children at risk of alcohol abuse, illicit substances;

    • children who commit crimes but do not have criminal responsibility


Synthesis was performed by psiholog dr..Eugen  Simion-FICE Romania Neamt Branch President








BETWEEN 9-15 MAY 2016



  • Objectives of study visit

The purpose of organizing study visits in european states is facilitation of information and experience exchange between decision factors and specialists from fields of common interests for entities, respective participant countries as well as ensuring a discussion forum, exchange and mutual learning of themes of general interest at eurpoean level.

General objectives of a study visit can be summarized/enunciated this way:

  • to allow participants to improve their understanding of the aspects specific to policies concerning the fields of common interest in their countries;

  • to generate a continuous flow of ideas and information between all participants at the study programms, including both visitors and hosts;

  • to improve the flow of information between member states of CE.

The objectives of study visit made in Finland were the following:

  • Accomplishment of a learning and know-how transfer, with the purpose to see and assimilate public-private collaborative patterns that can be used in its own work context, regarding services offered to people/groups in risk, professional training,recognistion and certification of abilities.

  • Analysis of themes about creation and operation of collaboration networks with specialists in social practice in Finland, with the purpose of improving its own professional activity and of knowing other patterns of social support.

  • Analysis of some specific fields of applying public-privat collaboration, such as:

  • integrated management of training services,

  • active measures and social inclusion;


  • integrated management (by a mix of services) of pasive policies with active policies of sustaining people/groups in risk of abuse, neglect, social exclusion.

  • Analysis of specific experiences of public-privat collaboration addressed to particular types of target groups:

    • children in risk of abuse/neglect;

    • children in risk of alcohol abuse and illicit substances;

    • children that commit criminal acts but do not have criminal liability.

  • Knowledge transfer by innovative learning experience, based on methodology of active training and Action Learning, elements of professional development, teamworking and experience exchange within the group of participants.

In the specified meanings, the study visit was a helpful opportunity for transferring best practices from finnish partners, knowledge of the organization and functioning of institutions and services addressed to people in need from Finland, examples of successful collaboration between public and privat services providers, examples of best practices, etc.

Description of the study visit-Dr. Eugen SIMION-FICE Romania Neamt Branch President














  • „Natural family home for abandoned children”– traing for teachers involved in abandoned children education, and creating a good home environment  for abandoned children. (Iaşi, Teleorman, Arad, Harghita, Bihor, Argeş, Călăraşi – 1992 – 1996)

  •  the "Optimum" - Program to support children with liver disease, ophthalmic and HIV infections(1994 - 1997);

  • Optimum” – a program  to help children in need, in health trouble ( liver disease, oftalmological problems, HIV infections)  ( Iaşi, Neamţ – 1997 – 1999)

  • 1997-1999-2014- "Optimum" - a program for children with difficulties and health problems (liver problems, eye infections with HIV (Bucharest, Teleorman, Calarasi, Iasi, Neamt -). The project continue  -the collaboration with the Institute "Matei Bals" and other institutions, physicians, psychologists

  • Programme "family-style home in the apartment" (1993:);

  •  "All children must be institutionalized family" - seeks to recover the biological parents in a child's life, find family members abandoned children adoption.(1994-1998) - (Iasi, Bihor, Caras Severin, Mehedinti, Olt, Virginia, Bucharest, Buzau, Neamt,

  • „Each Child in social care should have a  Family  ”–  aiming to bring back the biological parents in child’s life , to find the extended family of an abandoned child, adoption. (Iaşi, Bihor, Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi, Olt, Teleorman, Bucureşti, Buzău, Neamţ-1994-1998)

  • „ To be a good parent – get help to help yourself!– an umanitar proiect of  intervention and prevention of youth social disorders, behavior changes, and delincvent, antisocial  attitude delicvenţial. The project aims to help parents and school to work together for the benefit of teenagers.  (Bucureşti – 1998 – 2002)

  • relationship - family - child delinquency-prevention Sponsor: EUROTIN(1999)

  •  Youth unemployment - possibilities of socio-professional integration of young people raised in orphanages-Sponsor: EUROTIN(1999)

  •  Prevention of child labor premature Sponsor: International Labour Office - ILO(2002)

  • „Don’t  Allow Children Abandon School and Home! Youth center after school -  a good solution of prevention. (Bucureşti, Argeş, Buzău, Iaşi – 2001 – 2002)

  •  „Learn and Decide”- Phare project -2002-  for drug abuse prevention and  harm reduction in schools.

  •  Equal Opportunities -Sponsor: Federation of Nongovernmental Organizations for Child Protection-2003 

    He created the first day center in rural areas (Kings Valley) in the country

  •  „Center of  Voluntary People in Preventing and Harm Reduction in Drug Abuse and Addiction. Phare-2003-2004

  •  „Multiculturality and Social Inclusion of Young People.”YOUTH-2003- parteneriat with Italia

  •  „Preventing School Abandon because of Premature Working Involvment of Children” (Bucureşti, Argeş – 2002) in collaboration with  Internaţional Work  Organization

  • "Quality management in social protection of children, youth and family"-2001


  • „Equal Chances for Everyone” – a project Ţiţeşti  village– Argeş, 2002 – 2004

  • „ The Chance of the Future”- Phare project -2005-2006- for the romma children in schools of Limpedea and Valea Mănăstirii

  • „No Tolerance for Violence ” YOUTH project -2004-partners in  Suedia

  • „Be united against violence in schools”-project financiar suported by the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France,  in Teleorman-2006

  • „ The Joy of Reading” – a contest for students, inviting them to read books, 2004 -2014

  • “Together against school violence”- “Procopil Programme” implemented by the regional network FARD “ 


  • “Training and Exchange of knowledge for Managers in Youth Care in Central and Eastern Europe”- Leonardo da Vinci- Project NL/06/B/F/PP/157623-2006-2008

  • "Equal opportunities for everyone - in rural schools"(1998 - 2014) ;

  •  "Parenthood. Help to help yourself ". Day Centre - a solution for preventing early school leaving(1998 - 2014);

  •  "Know and decide!" - Primary prevention program of drug use among adolescents.(1998 - 2014) 

  •  the international campaign called "19 Days of Activism against violence and abuse Prevention Children / Youth" ("19 Days of Activism to prevent abuse and violence against children and youth").(2012-2014)

    The campaign carries the slogan: Together we can create change!

    The 19 days of the International Campaign is an initiative of WWSF (Women's World Summit Foundation) and its partners.

  • „SOS-children`s village“- Youth in Action Programme-2008 

  • THE SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE(1993-2010)and continues today using other strategies..

A short description of the planned activities(from 1996)

A group of 15 young Romanians and a group of 10 young Dutch will travel to the town of Schotten - Germany. Their accommodation will be the hostel for the "Education and social integration of young people". Here together with a group of 15 young German social workers, teachers and young people from the center they will exchange ideas on the modern pro-active and participative ways of social integration of young people.
There will be a tour of the center and practical demonstrations made by the German young people from the center. Discussion sessions will focus on the latest evolutions in the field in Germany, Holland and Romania.
Workshops will be organized using debates, discussions, practical activities and simulations in order to identify the main steps to be taken in the implementation of the aquis communautaire in this field.
On returning the young Romanians will describe their impressions and experience in a press conference.
A brochure will be edited detailing alternatives in the field as put into practice by EU members (with a special emphasis on the German and Dutch models), conclusions and proposals for improvement in this direction in Romania.
This brochure will be distributed to all FICE units in the country as well as to all authorities with responsibilities in the field.

Part III

A) Background and motivation

The starting point was a preliminary study based on scientific research done by FICE - Romania and entitled "Report on the social and professional course of youngsters leaving care centers on coming of age between 1990 - 1999".
According to the report 70% of the 10 000 such young people are unemployed, 80% do not have a home, 70% have not started a family, etc. This bleak picture lead to the conclusion that the Romanian society does not observe the rights of children and young people to a satisfactory extent.
Following this conclusion FICE - Romania organized in the year 2000 the international seminar on "The rights of children and young people - a social issue on the agenda of the NGO's" which involved 17 EU specialists from 17 countries in the Mediterranean area and 55 Romanian specialists, 25 of them young people themselves. Very captivating for the foreign specialists was the direct dialogue with the Romanian youngsters during the session "Contest between projects addressing the protection of children and young people's rights". The talks brought to light the need for a direct involvement of young people into the process of their own social integration, the need to get acquainted with alternative methods used in EU states and which could be adapted to the situation in our country. In this context the delegates from Germany and Holland invited 15 Romanian colleagues to visit their countries to get direct experience with the methods used.
That is why FICE - Romania intends to organize an exchange which will help our youth understand in an interactive manner the requirements of the acquis communautaire in the field as the straightest way towards our country's accession into the EU.

Preparation of the exchange

The title and the themes of the project were made known to the FICE offices and their members. Debates will follow in order to identify ways for the improvement of all activities in this field in our country.

C) The young members of FICE directly involved in such projects will make proposals regarding the presentation of FICE experience in the field, regarding practical activities to be carried out during the exchange, cross-culture games, etc. The best proposals will be selected by the coordinators of local offices and submitted to FICE main office. The young people to be enrolled in the program will be selected function of the proposals received and also following an interview. The participants selected will afterwards finalize the program and the contents of the exchange.

D) Objectives:

1. Analysis of the situation in Romania - scale and reasons
2. Strength and weakness points
3. Presentation of the activity of the various bodies with responsibilities in the field (governmental bodies, local administration, companies, employers, trade unions, the civil society, etc)
4. Comparative analysis of methods used in Romania and methods used in EU countries
5. Conclusions to be drawn and proposals for improvement of activity in the field
6. Establishment of partnerships with NGO's in the EU in view of joint practical projects aimed at involving the youth in their own integration into society.

E) Beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries will be the 15 young Romanians enrolled in the project.
Indirectly all the young people in FICE offices will benefit by receiving the brochure containing the proposals for the improvement of future activity in line with the acquis communautaire in this field.


  •  PROJECTS - THE DAY CENTRE - For children in difficult


The experience of the day center set up in the school to assist the children in difficulty who are pupils of this school is an argument to the efficiency of this way to prevent the need for institutionalization of such children, to monitor their natural family or their larger family by making them more involved in the education of their children.

Promoter: F.I.C.E. Romania

Partners: District 4 Town Hall
Bucharest Department for School Inspection
"Adevarul" newspaper
"The National Courier" newspaper
School no. 308

Place: School no. 308, 8 Raul Soimului Street, District 4
Time: 14 May - 31 December 20001 (pilot program to be continued function of results)


- to identify children with high risk potential

- to set up a multifunctional department for the assistance of very poor and large families, single parents, etc
- to prevent school abandoning and the need for institutionalization of children
- to prevent repetition of the same school grade
- to rouse awareness of parents or legal foster parents
- to monitor families with social integration problems, in financial difficulty, of low educational level, etc


Children aged 7-16

- belonging to families in social, psychological or financial difficulty
- in difficulty as regards school results and grades
- on the verge of abandoning school
- belonging to very poor families (under the limit of poverty)
- Lacking of home assistance and support due to objective reasons (are orphans, brought up by grandparents, have seriously ill parents, illiterate parents or other reasons).


* Food
* Lesson preparation- coaching
* One-to-one lessons in preparation of term tests or exams
* Occupational therapy activities
* Spare time programs (music, sports, photography, etc) 
* Psychological counseling (both for children and parents)
* Counseling
* Arbitration
* Vocational counseling
* Initiation in the use of Pcs
* Initiation in the practice of trades (hair dressers, barbers, tailors, etc)
* Logistic support - stationery, clothes, footwear and others

Human Resources:

* Multidisciplinary team (teachers, primary school teachers, psychologists, sociologists, legal advisers, doctors, social assistants)
* A part time primary school teacher paid by the School Inspection Department
* Volunteers, students in humanities or secondary school pupils

* Location: School no. 308 Bucharest
* Special equipment: F.I.C.E. - Romania
: Bucharest Department for School Inspection
: District 4 Town Hall
* Tables and chairs: Bucharest Department for School Inspection
* Materials needed for activities: F.I.C.E. - Romania
* Computers: F.I.C.E. - Romania

Project coordinator:

Toma Mares - F.I.C.E. - Romania
Elena Iusan - Child Protection Department District 4

Special Assistance team:

Anda Tarlea - Child Protection Department District 4
Marinela Alexeanu Buttu - FEED THE CHILDREN - Romania
Professor Ioan Neacsu - F.I.C.E. - Romania
Constantin Harabor - teacher, Education and Research Ministry

Evaluation team:

* Gerd Schemeanu - SCHOTTENER RHEA - Germany
* Olimpia Mateescu - Bucharest Department for School Inspection
* Patricia Kicak - FEED THE CHILDREN - The Netherlands
* Simona Farcas - F.I.C.E. - Romania

* Melania Vergu - journalist, "Adevarul" newspaper
* Florin Anotnescu - journalist, "National Courier" newspaper
* Anda Tarlea - Director general, Child Protection Department


  •  PROJECTS - Say NO to School and Family Abandonment!

There were founded Day Centers in Bucharest, Pitesti, Limpedea .

● Programme launched by:
"The International Federation of the Educational Communities " (FICE) - Romania and "Feed the children"
The poverty and the problems from home determine children to abandon school.
We are offering a solution: the opening of "The Day Centers" in schools 
Beneficiaries: children with ages between 7 and 16 years
· emerging from families with psychological, social and economical difficulties, presenting a high risk for school abandonment;
· deprived of supervison (with no parents, raised by grandparents, ailing or uneducated parents, etc).
· lunch;
· doing lessons;
· occupational therapy activities;
· psychological support (for children and parents);
· counseling
· city halls · district departments for child's protection · school inspecting departments · schools
· daily newspapers: "Adevarul", "Curierul National" 
· national television programs: TVR 1, ANTENA 1 and The Romanian Radio Society
We count on you to join us !

 Our programme started in the following districts:
· Arges · Buzau · Iasi · Vaslui · Vrancea ·
· Bucharest ·

Program for the assistance of children with hepatic diseases, ophthalmic diseases and AIDS


- humanitarian project aiming at interactive intervention with prevention purposes targeting school children with a high risk of delinquency: its objective is to contribute to the improvement of relationships within the family and the optimization of the relationships between parents, children and school;

  • Initiation of "The Foster Homes Week"  which will annually take place in the week preceding 1 June (comprising exhibitions around the country and other cultural and artistic events);


  •  "volunteer center to prevent drug use, alcohol and tobacco in institutions;(2001-2014)

2001-2002- "There dropout! Day Centre - a good solution to prevent school and family abandonment (Bucharest, Arges, Buzau, Iasi.

2003-2014- "collegial solidarity" - support program for children in difficulty (economic, social, etc.) shares facilities (

2014 ----- Hospital "Grigore Alexandrescu" Budimex (M. Currie), Department of Pediatrics, games, toys, bedding materials to nity, etc.

In December 2014, donations for children in flooded villages in the county of Teleorman, clothing, shoes, school supplies (Tribune ---------------------- education Nr. 1276, 12 to 18 January 2015)


  • "Orphanages Week" held annually in the week preceding June 1st - includes exhibitions county cultural activities - art, etc.

  •  "Friendship through Interculturality" - partners: FICE: Bulgaria, Israel, Romania and Hungary, "Promozione" social-Italy cooperative societies

    -Projects Pilot / experimental preparation of a multilateral youth exchange in the action 3.1.(19.07 – 26.07. 2010)

    -Involvement Active youth with fewer opportunities in joint activities related to the promotion of European and national values by which to develop skills of active participation in the life of local, national and European. Supporting innovative ideas of young disadvantaged socio-economic



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