Founded in 1948 under the patronage of UNESCO
The international forum of practitioners and researchers for exchange of ideas on trends and special issues in the field of education outside the family.
FICE International is the only international organization for all professionals in the field of outside the family education. It has at present 27 national units in Europe, Canada and Africa. FICE is a non-government organization and holds a consultative status in relation with UNESCO. FICE acts in favor of the observance of child rights irrespective of nationality, race or religion of the child. FICE militates for the professional development of all types of outside the family education by organizing such activities as: international seminars and congresses, exchanges between specialists in the field, publications discussing pertinent issues in the field of outside the family education, counseling of authorities in the field, initiation of research and studies, promotion and stimulation of the exchange of ideas and crossborder relations between colleagues, organization of camps and holidays for children.
FICE-Romania, founded in 1990 is a full member of the International Federation of Educational Communities. FICE-Romania owns 18 district branches and counts over 7000 members and supporters, physical persons (pedagogues, proffesors, psychologists, sociologists, jurists, journalists, etc) and institutions (colleges and faculties of social assistence/ pedagogy, state and
private institutions and services specialized in social protection, NGO’s ).
FICE-Romania is a non-government and non-profit organisation which has religious neutrality.
The main purpose of FICE-Romania is protecting the children’s rights and the proffesionnal development of the extra-familial education domain).
Since 1990, FICE-Romania carries on the following activities:
- activities of forming and perfectioning personnel in the social protections institutions
- activities of supporting children/young people, families with difficulties
- organises experience changes and practical activities in the psycho-social-pedagogic field in the country and abroad
- publishes materials on the specialty
- organises annualy national and international symposiums and conferences
- suggests to the government institutions measures of perfectionig the legislation in the social protection field
- interfers in the cases of non-observance of the children’s rights
Who can become a FICE-Romania member?
According to the statute of FICE-Romania, the form approved by the General Meeting in June 7, 1997, Oradea, member of FICE-Romania can be any Romanian or foreign citizen, institution, educational community, society, private association or NGO which agrees with the statute of FICE-Romania.
Board National Committee:
prof.Toma Mares -president
prof.univ.dr.Ioan Neacsu-vice president
prof.univ.dr.Sorin Ivan-vice president
prof.Dumitru Buzatu-vice president
prof.Neculai Virgil Botezatu-secretary
prof.Ionel Armeanu Stefanica
jurnalist Florin Antonescu
psiholog dr.Eugen Simion
prof.Gabriela Postescu
conf.univ.dr.Roxana Urea
prof.dr.Georgeta Matei
prof.Costel Harabor
sociolog Mariana Nica
Gheorghe Petu
prof.Ana Labes
Daniela Tordoi
The persons / institutions / organizations wishing to become member of FICE can hand in the admittance applications at the center of the organisation. The admittance applications will be disscussed and approved by the Central Bureau of FICE-Romania.
FICE - Romania cooperates with:
- numerous national FICE offices (such as those based in Israel, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Germany, etc)
- school inspection departments in Bucharest and in the country
- departments for the protection of children rights
- universities and colleges
- other bodies and organizations, governmental and non-governmental
Starting 1990 F.I.C.E. - Romania has annually organized international conferences, seminars and panel talks on topics of interest for the professional life, assembling top professionals from the country and abroad.
The papers and syntheses read at such events are gathered and published in F.I.C.E. newsletters.